Oconomowoc, WI 10/12/2022 – Oliver Construction Co. and an undisclosed client have completed the design/bid process and will be breaking ground next week on a 12,420 square foot pre-engineered metal building in the Town of Orange, Massachusetts.

Oliver Vice-President, Greg Halpin, who leads the company’s out of state efforts had this to say about the upcoming project, “We have been working with these clients since February, and they’ve become great teammates in the design-build process. These types of facilities are highly specialized relative to the MEP design and nature of the work. It’s vitally important to assemble the right group so we can meet the owner’s high standards.”
The design team is comprised of both local and national companies. “We chose PRA here in Milwaukee to do the Architectural. They’ve been easy to work with in the past and provide the quality we were looking for. Maine Strain Distributors out of Bangor, ME led most of the design relevant to cultivation and they included Demeter Designs for fertigation which was a nice touch” said Halpin. The facility includes a Phase II, two-story addition of over 76,000 square feet which has necessitated substantial foundation on the west side.
“The ownership group has been great in their forward thinking. They understand the value of preparing the site, spending the extra time and money, and doing this right in Phase I of construction to make future expansion as painless as possible.” said Conor Farley who is overseeing construction.